I had big plans for posting while we were on vacation last week! Then I discovered that it is really hard to edit a post on an ipad! I had a couple of posts almost ready to go, but I wanted to do the last of the editing while I was down there, which became very difficult so I decided to put off posting and enjoy my vacation. So alas I am behind! I will work on getting some of those posts up in the next couple of days while I try and catch up on everything else.
We really enjoyed our vacation and anniversary last week! We spent part of the time in Pawley’s Island with my inlaws and then had a few days away in Charleston (without the kids). We love Charleston and if the weather wasn’t quite so hot I would definitely consider moving there. Lots of beautiful houses and window shopping! We stayed in an amazing hotel (Restoration on King) and ate a LOT of good food. We are foodies and especially LOVE local and regional food. In Charleston there are no shortage of great restaurants. Here are some of the restaurants we tried…

McCrady's is kind of fancy and where we dined on a 4 course meal including crab salad, duck, lamb and goat cheese panna cotta

At Husk, just named Bon Appetit's best new restaurant in America, we could only get lunch reservations. All the food including the olive oil in sourced from the South. I had butternut squash soup and Mr. S. had some REALLY creamy shrimp and grits, but the best part was the bacon butter!

Fig (which stands for Food is Good) was our FAVORITE restaurant. I had the best soft shelled crab ever and Mr. S. had some delicious pig. From the outside it isn't as pretty to look at as the other restaurants, but it more than makes up for it in its food!
I still have more photos to go through from our trip of some of the beautiful architecture and details of Charleston so stay tuned for another post highlighting some of my favorite!