The weather has been so strangely warm here. It feels like it is March or April especially with the rain. Yesterday was downright dreary so a little cheering up was in order! I was out west of here yesterday, so it was a good excuse to stop by Terrain at Styers (one of my FAVORITE places). I am on the look out for some accessories for the basement and their vignettes are always inspiring! I hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!
I thought these winter interest perennials were really inspiring. It is impressive that there are not any flowers in this creation (just lots of lovely color and texture). I really am loving the red stems of the dogwood bushes (at the top). It seems like pairing these with a bright green evergreen right behind it would be really nice. Or maybe in a planter under planted with acid green/yellow grass (like golden sweet flag grass). hmm…I will have to return to this picture next time I am trying to layout a bed (it is so easy to get distracted by pretty flowers once spring appears for real).
I loved some of the planters on clearance. Of course I don’t have a place for any of these, so I restrained myself. I did pick up one of the old grape crates at the bottom of the picture for the new basement bathroom. I’m not sure how I am going to use it yet, but it has a lot of character! I am really into the old log that has been hollowed out. It could add instant interest to a new garden.
Inside I was drawn to this plaid sofa. Very simple and beautiful. This flower arrangement also made me swoon. I would have never thought of using ornamental cabbage in this way!

I love these mirrors. The mix of weathered wood, metal and glass is really nice and quite masculine looking.
I will be back next week with more basement posts, so stay tuned!