Terrain at Styer’s: Interesting Perennials

April 6, 2011

There were a couple of perennials that I really liked  at our visit to Terrain. My favorite was the Euphorbia variety Tiny Tim.  Euphorbia is a relatively new plant for me. I have a couple in the yard from the plant exchange, but the ones I have aren’t that exciting. The colors on this one were really unique. I didn’t buy it, but I think I might have to pick this one up. My only hesitation is that I’ve heard that they can irritate your skin if you aren’t careful. It also sounds like in warmer clients that they can be aggressive.  I also liked this tassel fern. It had nice shiny leaves. Finally I liked this variety of Jacobs Ladder. I have a much larger version but it doesn’t flower like this one.


Euphorbia variety Tiny Tim, Zones 6-10, Sun to Part Shade, 12"-18" tall

Tassel Fern (Polystichum Polyblepharum), Zones 5-8, Full to Part Shade, 18" to 24" tall

Variegated Jacobs Ladder (Polemonium Snow and Sapphires), Zones 3-9, Full Sun to Part Shade, 18"-24" tall, with blue flowers in spring