Spring is here?

February 27, 2012 — 1 Comment

Snowdrops (Galanthus)

It feels like Spring is here. I thought I would show you a few things that are sprouting up here. In addition to the snowdrops being in full bloom now and my original patch of hellebores, my columbines are a couple of inches tall as are my sedum/stonecrop. The columbines aren’t too surprising since they are spring flowers but the sedum is usually slow to show up in the garden. I think the weather has thrown them for a loop! I wonder if they will bloom extra early this year.


Autumn Joy Sedum


I am still waiting on my new crocuses to sprout as well as my Chionodoxa. In some of my neighbors beds the crocuses are already blooming. I am really hoping mine are just delayed because I just planted them this fall. I will be really disappointed if they don’t come up! I am also hoping that my new hellebores flower this year. All of them still have green (albeit a bit weathered) leaves, so I am hopeful!

Rendering of Spring Garden using March 2011 Image (purple of crocuses and white are hellebores)

Barr's Purple Crocus

Golden Lotus Hellebore

Chionodoxa Forsbeii

What is sprouting in your yard?

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  1. Blooming This Week: Cabbage, Succulents & Nandina | Stately Kitsch Blooming This Week: Cabbage, Succulents & Nandina | Design for the modern older home owner. - January 16, 2013

    […] of succulents, my Autumn Joy Sedum are sprouting. I thought that they sprouted early last year at the end of February. I guess we will see if we get some serious snow or cold, how they […]

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